Talk with a real person  320-203-0700

trusted nationwide

for Insurance Carriers

not your average partner


We’re your independent partner, helping you improve your offerings and service to your customers.

We work with virtually any insurance carrier to make Workers’ Comp easier for business owners/policyholders. We are not affiliated with any specific Payroll Provider, Insurance Agent/Broker, or Insurance Carrier.

No hidden agenda, just unbiased, ultra-convenient Pay-As-You-Go Workers’ Comp. RPM is the most flexible Pay-As-You-Go Workers’ Comp solution on the market.

We’re also here for YOU. Put our flexibility to work and successfully collect on audit balances. We help you make audit payments more manageable for your customers by breaking them into smaller, more achievable payments.


Whatever your unique reporting requirements, we can give you exactly what you need. When you work with RPM, your job is easier and you get happier customers that stick with you.

Working to Benefit you

Your steady, reliable partner

Compete against PEOs by offering your clients a simple, accurate Pay-As-You-Go solution. We are the liaison between all pieces of the Workers’ Comp puzzle. We secure the relationship between Insurance Agent/Broker, client, Payroll Provider, and insurance carrier, streamlining Workers’ Comp for everyone.

We’re your audit expert. Significantly reduce audit prep time with our help. Get specific reports lightning-fast. Successfully collect on audit balances with more manageable payments for your customers.

We work with you and your clients to efficiently manage the Workers’ Comp process for everyone.

  • Delight your customers
  • Successfully collect audit balances
  • Significantly reduce audit prep
  • Friendly, personal service



"As a carrier, we are continuously asked by agents to consider adding regional players from within their markets. Reliable Premium Management is by far is one of the more professional organizations in this area, who can effectively balance and represent the policyholder, agent and carrier’s needs.

— Andrew Hughes, Builders Insurance Group

"The RPM pay-as-you-go option and staff have exceeded our and our client’s expectations! The level of service they provide is consistently setting the bar higher. RPM provides the flexibility needed to meet the specific needs of our clients and their insureds.

— Bennett Goldblum, Beacon Aviation Insurance Services

"Reliable Premium has been an amazing partner. They really stay on top of things and their reporting is very accurate and timely. The experience and knowledge they have has been an asset to our organization. Best of all, their customer service is outstanding!

— Jayson Beuchler, Normandy Insurance Company

"RPM is an invaluable agency partner. Working with RPM reduces our service work and staff time, thereby making our office much more efficient and productive. RPM assists us with serving our clients by handling billing, audits, WC exemptions, class codes and much more. Most importantly, our clients and carriers love working with their professional staff. Give them a try, you will be glad you did.

— Greg Roe, Roe Insurance Inc.

The way RPM handles pay-as-you-go has simplified the insurance transaction and has helped make our Workers’ Comp payment processing seamless. RPM has become the preferred premium payment method that we recommend!

— Bennett Goldblum, Beacon Aviation Insurance Services